Scrap book challange #9: Brand of me

My online identity is the general or global representation of me and as a professional it is my brand. "what is he sharing online?" might be a question people who want to work with me may consider before deciding on a partnership. Therefore the identity is important as it tells people who I am and help attract people of my interest like clients or employers.

Learning and career are more of interaction to the civilized world, the worst you identify yourself as a bad digital citizen you block your connection to others as no one would prefer to network with a bad behaving person. Sharing of immoral posts, abusive comments and signs of threat to others will make people block a network with you or not preferring you for jobs and therefore putting your  leaning or career in danger.

Three word that are "brand of me" are
Friend, project manager and consultant

The two sentences that describe me are
A digital citizen
A leader of digital economy

I am currently an Associate consultant at Eco valley advisers doing administration 40% and managing Kamatafursa portal, an online platform for sharing opportunities to entrepreneurs. I am also consulting Women movement and efforts organization, see Instagram a NGO for women empowerment and working as project adviser for Smart youth efforts for advanced community as a social responsibility.

I have done a number of projects as manager and team member ranging from design and implementation, sales and marketing, data and content management to coordination acquiring social behavioral skills, adaptability and predictability, digital literacy and cognitive skills among many.

My goal is to become a leader in digital economy, leveraging on digital technologies in doing my consultancy and management works for efficiency and cost effective productivity. Having an online identity that can open opportunities for my career and learning.


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