Scrapbook challange #4: Setting up personal learning environment
Review of my Personal Learning Environment (PLE)
List 2 strengths of your Personal Learning Environment.(PLE)
What you are already doing well?
What do you already have set up in your PLE to support successful, online learning?
1. organized my devices, the computer and mobile phone
2. schedule and place for learning
3. internet connection
4. email accounts for accessing different tools
List 2 strengths of your Personal Learning Environment.(PLE)
What you are already doing well?
What do you already have set up in your PLE to support successful, online learning?
1. organized my devices, the computer and mobile phone
2. schedule and place for learning
3. internet connection
4. email accounts for accessing different tools
List 2 opportunities for improving your Personal Learning Environment
Things that you don’t do well, or haven’t a clue about yet or don’t have set up yet in your PLE.
What are some things that you can improve in your PLE?
1. health and wellbeing, I scheduled my session to one hour or beyond and I do not take breaks, my sitting is also not proper and I am not sure of the computer lightings
2. privacy and security, my passwords are not as stronger as I thought
3. navigation and tools mastering, my tools like browser are just basic with very few advanced setting for better learning experience and confident using tools like video recording is very low
3. note taking and materials storage, a take notes manually
List 2 opportunities for improving your Personal Learning Environment
Things that you don’t do well, or haven’t a clue about yet or don’t have set up yet in your PLE.
What are some things that you can improve in your PLE?
1. health and wellbeing, I scheduled my session to one hour or beyond and I do not take breaks, my sitting is also not proper and I am not sure of the computer lightings
2. privacy and security, my passwords are not as stronger as I thought
3. navigation and tools mastering, my tools like browser are just basic with very few advanced setting for better learning experience and confident using tools like video recording is very low
3. note taking and materials storage, a take notes manually
List 2 aspirations or things you need to learn or find out more about to set up or improve up your Personal Learning Environment (PLE).
What do you need to know so you can improve your PLE?
What do you need to find out so that you can improve your PLE?
2. mastering tools and devices, using advanced settings to simplify learning, taking notes and storing useful materials and navigating from one app to another
3. interacting with others and share experience
List 2 aspirations or things you need to learn or find out more about to set up or improve up your Personal Learning Environment (PLE).
What do you need to know so you can improve your PLE?
What do you need to find out so that you can improve your PLE?
2. mastering tools and devices, using advanced settings to simplify learning, taking notes and storing useful materials and navigating from one app to another
3. interacting with others and share experience
List 2 results you can achieve, or 2 actions that you can take to optimise your Personal Learning Environmen(PLE).
What will you do to improve your PLE?
What actions can you take to optimise your PLE?
1. mastering online tools through practices and advanced settings
2.improve on health and safety issues
List 2 results you can achieve, or 2 actions that you can take to optimise your Personal Learning Environmen(PLE).
What will you do to improve your PLE?
What actions can you take to optimise your PLE?
1. mastering online tools through practices and advanced settings
2.improve on health and safety issues
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