
Showing posts from June, 2019

Scrapbook challange #7: Web 2.0 smackdown

I have been thinking of creating a website, I visited after seeing an add on YouTube and google site on google drive when I was doing "learning on cloud session " and the experience was interesting. I did not know about Weebly also  a free website creating site  until I learned it on "digital toolbox" and it draw my attention. The visit to all these three was to create a free website for an organization and a project I am thinking of "to create an online center for graduate youth to interact and leverage on social capital to increase their employability. I managed a website from for Women movement and efforts organization and I had started working for a hub website on google sites and currently Weebly where I am progressing well. If your thinking of having a website and you do not have money I recommend these free website creating sites. Though you will need to upgrade them for the case of Wix and Weebly to be adds' free but they sav...

Scrapbook challange #6: My digital, online learning skills

I can connect, communicate and behave online, the challanges comes with collaboration, creation and choices of the best learning tools and these are the areas I would like to improve. As can be seen they are related, but I have found that I am not familiar with most of the tools mentioned and not In professional communities except from google+ which is no longer functioning and medium where I only read articles. I had no confidence sharing opinions and ideas on platforms, thanks to the course that I beginning to be confident. Beginning with collaboration, I have tried to interact with colleagues on the course, commenting and asking and I have found out some who we are almost on the same level and I am going to initiate more interaction and integrate other tools like skype and tweeter, I will try to join professional communities on different platforms and collaborate in discussions and issues. By doing so I will add more tools on my PLE meaning that depending on interests ...

Scrapbook challange #4: Setting up personal learning environment

Review of my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) PART A: STRENGTHS List 2 strengths of your Personal Learning Environment.(PLE) What you are already doing well?  What do you already have set up in your PLE to support successful, online learning? 1. organized my devices, the computer and mobile phone 2. schedule and place for learning 3. internet connection 4. email accounts for accessing different tools PART B: OPPORTUNITIES List 2 opportunities for improving your Personal Learning Environment Consider... Things that you don’t do well, or haven’t a clue about yet or don’t have set up yet in your PLE. What are some things that you can improve in your PLE? 1. health and wellbeing, I scheduled my session to one hour or beyond and I do not take breaks, my sitting is also not proper and I am not sure of the computer lightings 2. privacy and security, my passwords are not as stronger as I thought 3. navigation and tools mastering, my tools like browser are just basic with ver...

Communication fear, Cultural or what?

I was thinking of removing communication skills on my CV, Thanks to this course I am pursuing  Get ready, get set, become a digital online learner .  All these years I thought I have been lying about my skills by including communication as one of them until I realized that I really have it. Communication has changed a bit nowadays as a result of digital disruption that has made the connection very easy and adds an asynchronous aspect, that you do not need to be together or be at the same time zone to communicate.  When I started working my communication experience was quite different from what I expected, I was added to WhatsApp groups, given an email account, phone numbers of my colleagues and told to express anything and that it could be of value to the organization. I thought communication was brought to its simplest level, but it was not the case. I did not know much about an organization and most of the work that we were doing, I was very junior to my co...

Online Learning

I am comfortable using my computer because it allows me to navigate through different activities, I do not need to use other device for any task, it is comfortable with the typing than mobile phone and I have not had any bad experience so far. I am also comfortable using internet when there is a problem because I can simply contact the support team, for example I got a challenge during registration with the postal address and my password containing characters common to my email and they were all resolved and I managed to join. the other good experience with internet is I get email notifications when logged out of the course and I can track all issues that needs my attention on time. I have set a time for taking my course everyday at my sitting room, I get one hour everyday when I wake up to go through at least one session and other interactions like other peoples posts, announcements and correcting previous errors to my issues. I am doing this all alone and I have chosen  the t...

Learning in the 21st century

It does not matter whether music is playing at the neighbor's house or a family member is interfering, when your learning online you will just learn. There is nothing like very cool environment or a specific place and you can get even a degree, the very best one. Only that the course should be well structured. When I wake up every morning I take an enterpreneurship lesson on an app and there after I switch to my get ready, get set, be online learner course, but today was different, music was playing at the next window to mine and I could not concentrate with the enterpreneurship lesson, I decided to switch to online learning without doing my enterpreneurship module. I had a scrapbook challenge waiting for me, I though let me try that and see and it just worked well, I managed to continue despite all the disturbance and then I noticed something. learning online should be different from the traditional learning. it should be practical and integrated, some reading, a video and doi...